Panna making efforts for green tourism

Hotels Near Panna Tiger Reserve

Often we visit tourist places and upon returning we emerge in our busy life leaving the destinations in their own place. However all these tourist destinations completely depend on these short time travellers.

A tourist destination could be a place of short stay for us but it’s a complete life for some people so we as guests must handle a destination with loads of care.

One such destination in the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is working on its growth besides being a captivating tourist destination known for the reserve of Bengal Tiger is Panna. It is not any simple Tiger Reserve but is a special destination which is a distinctive one which is famous for some social initiatives.
Some of their initiatives are …..

The Panna Tiger Reserve has a water harvesting and water recycling initiative to save water. This also helps in decreasing water usage.

The reserve also does organic farming of fruits and vegetables. One can have an organic meal at the Restaurant where the same fruits and vegetables are used for the guest.

These days we see a lot of waste scattered in tourist places which is a huge problem. The Panna Reserve forest has devised a solution for the same by following a plan of waste management system to segregate, and recycle the waste. This reduces the impact of the waste created by tourism and saves the environment.

The Reserve Forest engages the local community in multiple local development projects and supports sustainable livelihood activities.

Besides all this Panna Tiger Resort (Resorts in Panna) also organises environmental awareness programs. This time when you visit this PannaTiger Resort (Budget Resorts in Panna) besides taking the safari also attend these programs as well. Such initiatives are interesting educational programs that instill a sense of respect for the environment among our young generation.

This Panna Tiger Reserve also saves the Siyah Gosh (Felis caracal) and Jungle cat (Felis chaus) North Central Highlands. It also includes loads of green practices to ensure responsible tourism. All we need to do is to support Panna Tiger Resort(Best Resorts in Panna) for their green efforts towards conscious tourism.

Best Resorts in Panna – Panna Tiger Resorts, Madhya Pradesh

Visit Panna tiger Resort (Resorts near Panna National Park) and be our guest to experience life around Jungle.

Call us to book your hotel: +91-7827913045, +91-9630071235

Location: Panna Tiger Resort, Ken River Ripta Road, Madla, Panna (M.P.)
